Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2nd time around

Well.. I survived my first post. I got one comment, so wow.. someone out there found my blog... imagine that! It's been so nice outside. I just haven't been sitting by the computer much.

It rarely gets in the high 80's in Maine and 90 is especially rare. So we've been enjoying it! Kelsey went in her kiddie pool for the first time ever... Julia loves being the big "sissy" and helping "KK" with everything. They had fun. Poor Kelsey got a bleeder of a black fly bite right in the corner of her eye. Mama needs to be more diligent with the bug stuff! Kelsey just loves being at the swing set and her bumblee swing her Gramp gave her.

I never knew I'd love being a mom so much or that I'd feel guilty after I quit my job, because I just have so much fun everyday!
Ok.. so moving on... I am excited that this Saturday we are having an Etsy Maine Team meeting in Augusta, Maine. The MaineTeam members are fantastic and so supportive.

Whimsidoodle had two sales this week.. very exciting. One was a trade for Miss Kelsey's 1st birthday invites and the other was to
Australia! My first international sale! Hopefully that goes smoothly through customs.
I recently started listing sets of origami lights without the lights- just the boxes. So far one sale of those (to Australia), but I'm thinking those are going to work out pretty well. They save on shipping for the buyer and then the buyer can use their own lights, but either way... they're still fun!
Each Christmas my parents (mom now) put up a strand of lights my sister and I made and put them in the shape of a Christmas tress in the huge window of the condo. Such a nice and festive way to use them!

Alright... enough talk about Christmas. It's 80 degrees outside in June. I have a baby napping and some plants that need to go into the ground.
Enjoy the weather wherever you are and if it's raining... well.. wash the floor I guess.
Until next time!

Enjoy it all.......

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